AC (ALL Clear) Clear the displayed number and the state during calculation.
C (Clear) Clear the number you are entering. The operation during calculation is maintained.
Exp (Exponento) Enter a power of 10. The number 2.5 x 103 is entered by “2.5” [Exp] “3”, and it displayed as 2.5E3.
+ / – Reverse the sign of the displayed numerical value.
x2 Square the displayed number.
√x Calculate the square root of the displayed number.
1/x Calculate the reciprocal of the displayed number.
π (Pi) Enter the pi (3.141592653589793).
yx Perform exponential calculation. Enter “2” [yx] “3” “=” for caluculate 23
x√y Perform exponential calculation. Enter “8” [x√y] “3” “=” for caluculate 3√8
x! Calculate the factorial of the displayed number.
log Calculate the logarithm (base 10) of the displayed number.
x⇔y Swap the displayed value with the value being calculated. “2” “+” “3” “÷” “1” [x⇔y] (displayed 5) “=” (displayed 0.2)
Rad Change the units of angle of trigonometric functions between degrees and radians. “R” is displayed in the indicator of the screen when the unit is in radian.
sin, cos, tan Calculate sin / cos / tan with the displayed value as the angle.
sin-1, cos-1, tan-1 Calculate sin-1/cos-1/tan-1.
Help Display the help screen
Setting Display the setting screen
Memory/History menu
Memory/History menu
History Up to 5 history of calculation results are displayed. The higher you go, the older the history. Tap any item to enter the number
Memory (メモリー) The value added / entered to the memory is displayed in the context menu. Tap a number to enter that number.
Clear Memory Clear the contents of memory (set to 0)
Clear History Clear all history contents (set to 0)
Setting screen
Setting screen
Recognition Feedback
Success A feedback sound will be heard when recognition fails successful (vibrate if mute).
Failure A feedback sound will be heard when recognition fails (vibrate if mute).