We will entertain your mind, enhance your brain, expand your lifestyle.

Exit stage left

There are still puzzles and other small details we want to make, but we’ve decided to make it into a proper app first, and then add the rest as updates. The main things needed to make it into an app are:

  • Deciding the layout (placement) and order (order of difficulty and order of access) of puzzles in the museum
  • Creating a mechanism for changing new accessable area
  • Unloading scenes and resources (for memory management)
  • Saving puzzle states (it still done individually, but also for the app as a whole) and resetting states
  • Menu functions such as settings

Unloading a Scene

Although it’s in a different order than listed above, we programed scene unloading feature because we wanted to create it early and see how it works as we go along.

Each puzzle scene is dynamically added to the museum scene as needed, but conversely, we want to dynamically unload it when it is no longer needed to free up memory resources. There were many points to consider, such as processing it asynchronously like loading, avoiding unloading it at the same time as other scenes, and avoiding unloading while loading in progress.